I Listen Counselling Psychology

Excellence in perinatal mental health and ADHD in motherhood

In person and online sessions - Online Booking - Free Parking - Direct Billing for Blue Cross, Canada Life, and FNIB

Kristine Aanderson was the first psychologist in Western Canada certified in the treatment of pregnancy and post-partum mental health by Postpartum Support International.

She has over a decade of experience working with parents in all stages of their journey, from fertility, to pregnancy, loss, and postpartum.

She has specialized experience and training in OCD/Scary Thoughts in pregnancy and postpartum, Severe Morning Sickness/HG, ADHD in motherhood, pregnancy loss/neonatal loss, TFMR, birth trauma, NICU/ICN stays, and working with the LGBTQ2S+ community. 

Kristine provides a non-judgemental space to provide support and strategies.

ADHD in Motherhood

Almost 60% of mothers with ADHD will struggle after having children


Feeling like you have to work twice as hard as everyone else? Getting flustered when things don't go to plan? Feeling like you're always behind? Things take too long because you have to be sure you got them right? Not daring to start things? 


Sensitive to rejection or criticism? Can't stand when things are out of place or messy? Get irritated when there are constant noises or distractions when you're trying to do something? Touched out by the end of the day? Your brain distracting you when you're trying to do something? Exhausted by social interactions? (even with your own kids?)


Difficulty being patient? Feeling restless? Feeling stressed when needing to sit still or not being able to fidget? Getting into arguments? Emotions feel out of control sometimes? Struggling with self-regulation?

Problems with organizing

House disorganized? Having problems finding systems that work? Planning more than you can get done in a day? Procrastinating? Difficulty completing tasks? Or staying on top of monotonous tasks? Losing things?Trouble organizing your thoughts when you talk? Needing to use rigid lists or plans? 

Brain won't slow down

Brain won't slow down, even when you want it to? Can't relax? Problems sleeping? Can't slow down to be present with your kids? Always need to be doing something? 


Uniquely good at some things? Able to hyper-focus on something that you're interested in? Creative? Good at seeing the big picture? Able to think of novel solutions to problems? Out of the box thinker? Enthusiasm? Having lots of different types of interested during your life? Good at identifying patterns?

Specialized solutions

Have you tried to make things better and it doesn't work?
Commonly used tools to manage mental health symptoms can be unhelpful or unrealistic in motherhood and tools built for neurotypical people often don't work when you have ADHD.

Specialized tools are needed for both motherhood and ADHD to address the problems and find a way forward. 

Let me help you to identify your strengths, learn strategies that work, and grow in a non-judgemental, neurodivergence-affirming environment - that's how you achieve your goals. 

Health Precautions

My office has entirely self-contained air exchange and has a high-performance air filter, meaning that in-person sessions have minimal exposure from ventilation.

All clients must be prepared wear a KN95 mask (or equivalent) which is available at most DollarStores or for purchase at my office at cost (between $2-$5).

You will be required to wear a mask to an in person appointment if you have any symptoms if illness, if you have been exposed to others with illnesses or if I have an in person client within one hour after your appointment who may be immune compromised or have other health risk factors.  

Please only come to the waiting area (inside the main door) 5 minutes before the start of your session. 

Provisional Supervision

Kristine is accepting a limited number of provisional psychologists for supervision based on their specialization and experience. Click on the icon to learn more. 

Speaking Engagements

Kristine has been a keynote speaker on the topic of mental health in pregnancy and postpartum, and has spoken at conferences across Canada, the US and Europe. If you are interested in bringing Kristine on as a speaker, click the icon. 

Professional Consultation

Kristine is able to be consulted as a professional in the areas of perinatal mental health and service dogs/animal assisted therapy. 

Get in Touch

I Listen Counselling and perinatal mental health

1645 Towne Center Blvd. Edmonton, AB, T6R0S3

Phone (780) 297-7989


Book Online Now